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즐거운 영어공부78

typical cruel : 잔혹한, 고통스러운 atrocious [ə|troʊʃəs] : 형편없는, 끔찍한, 극악무도한 The US Supreme Court is to hear the case of three death row inmates who say the use of the sedative midazolam in executions is cruel. resume [ri|zu:m] : 재개하다, 다시 시작하다, 자기 자리로 돌아가다 [|rezəmeɪ] : 요약, 개요, 이력서 In a tweet, airport officials wrote : " All clear for both aircraft & normal airport operations have resumed." slam into :~에 쾅 충돌하다 A.. 2015. 1. 26.
comprise stagger : 시차를 두다, 비틀거리다, 깜짝 놀라게하다 Atlantic : 대서양 The lads staggered their arrival across the Atlantic for security reasons, despite some of them leaving London within a few hours of each other. me time : 스트레스 해소 및 에너지 재충전 등의 목적으로 자신만의 시간을 갖는 것 looming : 어렴풋이 보이기 시작하는 loom : 어렴풋이 보이다, 곧 닥칠 것처럼 보이다 No doubt they’re enjoying some “me time” with nine months in close proximity looming during their On.. 2015. 1. 25.
Grammer in use intermediate UNIT 100, I did it !! congratulation! I didn't think I could do it by myself. 2015. 1. 23.
overthrow squash : 스쿼시, 진압하다, 짓누르다, 으깨다, 좁은 곳에 밀어넣다 remnant : 나머지 sideline : 부업, 열외로 취급하다 radical : 근본적인, 급진적인, 과격한, 급진주의자 radioactive : 방사능의 preacher : 전도사, 설교자 Under Abdullah's leadership, the country slowly squashed al Qaeda, capturing or killing its leaders in the kingdom, forcing the remnants underground and sidelining radical preachers. ailing : 병든, 악화된 ail : 괴롭히다 The European Central Bank(ECB) will.. 2015. 1. 23.