즐거운 영어공부78 bound haul [hɔ:l] : 힘들여 끌다 hurl [h3:rl] : 욕하다 As it piled up along roads, some of it was hauled away to 500 sites around the city - car parks and other empty spaces. A slew of fans waiting to see off One Direction at a Sydney airport is no surprise for the world's hottest boy band. But a group of them hurling abuse at 21-year-old Niall Horan in particular, seemed to surprise the lovable lad. devastate.. 2015. 2. 11. The stuff paradox: Dealing with clutter in the US If you want more visit this web site ▶http://bemorewithless.com/ make do with : 만족스럽지는 않지만 ~으로 견디다 shed : ~을 보관하는 곳 While more and more Americans struggle to make do with less due to economic hardship, others are making a conscious choice to shed their possessions. persevere[p3:rsə|vɪr] : 계속하다/ 인내심을 갖고 하다 cast off : 출항을 위해 밧줄을 던지다, ~을 던져버리다 But Carver persevered and discovered that casting off h.. 2015. 2. 7. retain ▲ Uranus is a pale blue in this natural color image because its visible atmosphere contains methane gas and few aerosols or clouds. retain : 계속 유지하다, 지속적인 관계를 유지하다 retain an attorney : 변호사를 선임하다 As part of the agreemet, Sony will fund her production company for at least the next four years, and it will retain distribution rights. turn away : ~에 들어오지 못하게 돌려보내다/쫓아 보내다 turn away from : ~을 외면하다 In a.. 2015. 2. 6. allege/ alleged / allegedly / allegation allegation : 충분한 근거가 없는 주장, 혐의 allege : 증거 없이 혐의를 제기하다 alleged : 근거 없이 주장된, ~라고들 말하는 allegedly : 주장한 바에 의하면, 이른바 New allegations have emerged from the man described as the 20th 9/11 hijacker, alleging members of the Saudi royal family supported al Qaeda. French counter terrorism police arrested eight people with alleged links to jihadist cells in Lyon and the Paris suburbs Tuesday morning, Frenc.. 2015. 2. 5. 이전 1 ··· 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ··· 20 다음