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즐거운 영어공부


by 수별이 2015. 1. 26.





cruel : 잔혹한, 고통스러운

atrocious |troʊʃəs] : 형편없는, 끔찍한, 극악무도한


The US Supreme Court is to hear the case of three death row inmates who say the use of the sedative midazolam in executions is cruel.







resume [ri|zu:m] : 재개하다, 다시 시작하다, 자기 자리로 돌아가다

[|rezəmeɪ]  : 요약, 개요, 이력서


In a tweet, airport officials wrote : " All clear for both aircraft & normal airport operations have resumed."








slam into :~에 쾅 충돌하다


A monster snowstorm is expected to slam into the Northeast on Monday and Tuesday, dumping what could be up to 3 feet of snow in Boston and New York, along with freezing rain and strong gusts possibly reaching hurricane level.







throughout : ~동안 죽, 내내

stall : 시동이 꺼지다, 지연작전을 쓰다, 교착상태에 빠지다, 지연되다, 가판대, 좌판, 마구간

stalled : 오도가도 못하는, 정지된


He repeated throughout a Sunday afternoon news conference that people should expect delays, very slow or stalled commutes Monday evening.








underestimate: 과소평가하다


 "Don't underestimate this storm."







 let up : 강도가 약해지다, 느슨해지다


That area's storm conditions aren't predicted to let up until Wednesday morning.






shovel [|ʃʌvl]  : 삽


Parents and their children have popped in to buy sleds and others are picking up shovels, ice melt and snow brushes.








 typical : 전형적인, 대표적인, 보통의, 일반적인


"This is kind of typical," she told CNN about Boston getting a lot of snow.







ride out : 힘든 상황을 잘 이겨내다

ride out a storm : 폭풍을 이겨내다, 어려움을 극복하다


On Sunday they prepared to ride out the storm by being as prepared as they usually are, with plenty of food and water on hand.







personnel : 인원, 직원들, 인사과

station : 군인을 배치하다, 주둔시키다, ~을 기다리기 위해 어느곳에 보내다, 역, 방송국


The National Guard will also have six dozen personnel and 20 vehicles stationed throughout the state starting on Monday morning.










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