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run into, encounter wreckage : 사고 자동차나 비행기의 잔해 plough [pláu] (미,plow) : 쟁기, 경작하다, 충돌하다, 착수하다 engulf : 완전히 에워싸다, 강한 감정 등이 사로잡다 engulf in : ~ 속으로 집어삼키다 foyer : 극장이나 호텔의 로비, 아파트의 현관 The burnt-out wreckage of a car which ploughed in to the council building moments before it became engulfed in flames remains in the foyer. ignite : 불이 붙다, 점화되다, 점화하다 blaze : 활활 타다, 눈부시게 빛나다, 대서특필 하다, (특히 신문에서) 대형 화재 Oxfordshire Fire and R.. 2015. 1. 16.
mean ~ing / mean to do authorized : 공인된, 권한을 부여받은 authorize : 인가하다, 권한을 부여하다 wage : 전쟁이나 전투를 벌이다, 임금 Mr Cornell allegedly told the source he had not been directly authorized by Islamic State leaders overseas to undertake attacks but wanted to "wage jihad under our own orders." alias [eɪliəs] : 일명 ~라 불리는, ~라는 가명으로 알려진 alien : 생경한, 정말 이상한 것, 외국의, 이질적인, 외계의, 외계인 confidential : 신뢰를 받는, 기밀의, 은밀한 He allegedly operated a Twi.. 2015. 1. 15.
habit, habitat, habitant, inhabit mitigate : 완화시키다(To mitigate something means to make it less unpleasant, serious, or painful.) emit : 빛 열 가스 등을 내뿜다 emission : 빛 열 가스 등의 배출, 배출물, 배기가스 Globally, cities are best placed to mitigate emissions as urban areas are much more energy intensive than rural areas, say researchers. seize : 꽉 붙잡다, 폭력을 써서 장악하다, 주도권을 잡다 seized : ~을 소유한, 점유한 controversial : 논란이 많은 (controversy : 논란) (contradict .. 2015. 1. 14.
raise, rise, arise/ suspend, suspect, suspense raise[레이즈] - raised- raised : ㉹ ~을 위로 들어올리다, 양/수준을 인상하다, 문제를 제기하다, 아이/동물을 키우다, 발생시키다 - We were forced to raise the price. - If inflation metrics can't maintain high enough levels, that may force the Fed to refrain from raising interest rates later this year, Rehling reasoned. - Currently, the Fed indicated that it would like to raise interest rates sometime this summer. - One Direction fans want.. 2015. 1. 13.