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즐거운 영어공부

raise, rise, arise/ suspend, suspect, suspense

by 수별이 2015. 1. 13.









raise[레이즈] - raised- raised ㉹ ~을 위로 들어올리다, 양/수준을 인상하다, 문제를 제기하다, 아이/동물을 키우다, 발생시키다


- We were forced to raise the price.


- If inflation metrics can't maintain high enough levels, that may force the Fed to refrain from raising interest rates later this year, Rehling reasoned.


- Currently, the Fed indicated that it would like to raise interest rates sometime this summer. 


- One Direction fans wanted to show Zayn Malik lots of love on his birthday, so they decided to raise money for charity in his honor!


- It raises further questions about the effects of climate change during the UK's warmest year on record.








rise[라이즈]-rose-risen : 수량의 증가, 상승, 출세, 높은 위치나 수준으로 오르다, 누워있다가 일어나다, 봉기하다


- The sun rises.


- The share price has risen.


- Do you lock your doors? Burglaries on rise in region.


- Calls to curb immigration from Muslim countries to Switzerland have risen since last week’s terror spree in Paris.







ariseraɪz] - arose - arisen : 문제/곤란한 상황이 생기다


- A new crisis has arisen.


- A storm arose during the night.


- injuries arising out of a road accident


- Complaints arise from Cincinnati Bell's wireless sale


- Safety Concerns Arise After Paris Attacks


- Concerns arise from generic seizure medicine







inquiry : 연구, 조사, 취조, 질문, 문의

(An inquiry  is a question which you ask in order to get some information)

charge : 고소, 고발

(bring charges against sbd: ~를 기소하다)


The crimes were reinvestigated as part of the murder inquiry and charges were brought.







count against sbd : ~에게 불리한 것으로 여겨지다

pursue : 추구하다, 계속하다, 뒤쫓다

conviction : 유죄선고, 강한 신념

convict : 유죄를 선고하다

prosecution : 검찰측, 기소, 고발


Five other counts against Daynes, including the rape of another boy, were not pursued as there was not a realistic prospect of a conviction, the prosecution said.






slash : 날카로운 것으로 베다/긋다,

흔히 수동태로 특히 신문에서 대폭 줄이다/낮추다 


A post-mortem examination found Daynes had slashed his vimtim's throat.







vile : 비도덕적인, 절대 용납할 수 없는, 극도로 불쾌한

menace[menəs] : 위협적인 존재, 위협하다


After the sentencing, Breck's mother, Lorin Lafave, described her son's killer as a "vile menace".









lure [lʊr] : 꾀다, 유혹하다, 유혹, 미끼


Chelmsford Crown Court heard he lured the teenager, who lived in Surrey, to his flat in Grays, Essex, after months of talking online.






collective : 집단의, 공동의


"What's right for Google is not always right for customers. We urge Google to make protection of customers our collective primary goal."







suspend : 매달다, 공식적으로 유예하다/연기하다

suspension : 정직/정학, 연기/보류

suspense : 긴장감

suspect : 의심하다, 혐의를 두다, 용의자


The Twitter and YouTube  accounts of the US military command have been suspended after being hacked by a group claiming to back Islamic State.








remind A of B : A에게 B를 생각나게 하다

vulnerability : 상처/비난 받기 쉬운, 취약성, 약점


Reflecting on major breaches like a recent hack of Sony Pictures, Mr Obama said in his speech the US had been reminded of "enormous vulnerabilities for us as a nation and for our economy".





take down : 치우다, 바지를 끌어내리다, ~을 기록하다


Centcom said it was taking "appropriate measures".

The Twitter account, which usually provide updates on strikes against IS, was later taken down.





pristine : 완전 새 것 같은, 아주 깨끗한, 자연 그대로의


But, is it ethically acceptable to on holiday to such a pristine environment?






suffocate : 질식사하다, 날씨가 숨이 막히게 덥다

nitrogen [naɪtrədƷən]: 질소


The two men were carrying out routine maintenance when they were suffocated by a nitrogen leak in the room in which they worked.





bizarre [bɪzɑ:(r)] : 기이한, 특이한


"It's bizarre."






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