squash : 스쿼시, 진압하다, 짓누르다, 으깨다, 좁은 곳에 밀어넣다
remnant : 나머지
sideline : 부업, 열외로 취급하다
radical : 근본적인, 급진적인, 과격한, 급진주의자
radioactive : 방사능의
preacher : 전도사, 설교자
Under Abdullah's leadership, the country slowly squashed al Qaeda, capturing or killing its leaders in the kingdom, forcing the remnants underground and sidelining radical preachers.
ailing : 병든, 악화된
ail : 괴롭히다
The European Central Bank(ECB) will inject at least £834bn into the ailing eurozone economy.
turmoil : 혼란, 소란
overthrow : 지도자나 정부를 타도하다,전복시키다, 타도, 전복
Egypt's tourist industry, once a key of revenue, has yet to recover from the years of turmoil that followed the overthrow of former President Hosni Mubarak in 2011.
botch[bɑ:tʃ] : 망치다, 망친 일
botched : 잘못하거나 잘못 계획되어 실패한, 망가진
A photograph has been published which allegedly shows a botched repair taking place last August.
conservator : 유적/예술품 관리위원
conservative: 보수적인
conservation : 자연환경 보호, 유적의 보존
differing : 상이한
But conservators at the Egyptian Museum in Cairo gave differing accounts of the exact circumstances.
braided : 꼰, 머리를 땋은
hastily : 급히, 서둘러
The blue and gold braided beard on tha burial mask of pharaoh Tutankhamun has been hastily glued back on after it was damaged, museum employees say.
come into force : 발효되다, 시행되다
A law introducing plain cigarette packaging in England and Wales could come into force in 2016 after ministers said MPs would be asked to vote on the plan before May's general election.
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