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즐거운 영어공부

Pray for the bliss of dead

by 수별이 2015. 1. 8.








assertion : 사실임을 주장, 권리 등의 행사

skeptical  : 의심 많은, 회의적인, 회의론자의.

be to blame (for sth) : ~에 대한 책임이 있다, 책임을 져야 하다


Cyber security experts have been skeptical about the FBI's assertion North Korea was to blame.






abominable : 심히 끔찍한


Pope Francis called it "abominable".






abandon : 버리다, 물건이나 장소를 버리고 떠나다, 믿음을 버리다


Police said the masked gunmen fled to north Paris, before abandoning their car and hijacking a second one.





irreverent : 불손한, 불경한

satirical : 풍자적인

(sacrificial : 제물로 바쳐진, sarcastic : 빈정대는, 비꼬는)

court : 법원, ~의 환심을 사려고 하다, ~을 얻으려고 하다, 자초하다, 구애하다


The satirical weekly has courted contoversy in the past with its irreverent take on news and current affairs.






coward : 겁쟁이

cowardly : 비겁한, 겁 많은, 비열한


President Francois Hollande called it a "cowardly murder" and declared a day of national mourning on Thursday.




cordon sth off : 비상 경계선을 치고 사람들의 출입을 통제하다

(*candor : 솔직함)


Police cordoned off part of the popular tourist area in Istanbul after the bombing.






immunity : 면역력, 면제

prosecution : 기소, 검찰측


Mr. Williams testified under immunity as the prosecution's star witness.





queue : 무엇을 기다리는 사람 혹은 자동차 등의 줄, 대기행렬


A car bomb was detonated beside people queuing to enrol in the police force, police officials said.





hall of fame : 명예의 전당

planetary : 행성의

prospect : 가망, 가능성, 예상, 전망


The three potentially habitable planets join Kepler's "hall of fame", which now boasts eight prospects.





blast : 폭발, 강한 바람, 맹비난, 신나는 경험

decidedly : 확실히, 분명히, 단호히


Yet, this blasted Internet webpage is writing about decidedly unsexy topics like Arizona.







shift : 장소를 옮기다, 이동하다, 견해를 바꾸다, 팔기힘든 상품을 팔다


As Digital Spy reports, 142,000 items of One Direction paraphernalia were sold on online auction site Ebay.co.uk in the past three months – a substantially higher number of sales than that of their closest rival, Prince, who shifted 58,000 items during the same time period.





rife : 바람직하지 않은 상황이 만연한


Despite manager Simon Cowell's reassurances that One Direction is not about to split yet and could see through 3 more albums before doing so, 1D breakup rumors still run rife on the internet.





revolve around : 관심이나 주제가 ~을 중심으로 돌아가다


And now, it appears whisperings of a split has revolved around Zayn Malik and Niall Horan.



clarify : 명확히 하다, 분명하게 말하다


"our Twitter account was hacked," Sugarscape clarified.





meanwhile : 다른일이 일어나고 있는 그 동안에, 한편

in the wake of sth/sbd : ~에 뒤이어, ~을 뒤따라


Meanwhile, the rest of the boys had taken to pranking Niall in the wake of the Twitter hacking rumor about him leaving the band.






tense : 신경이 날카로운, 상황이 긴박한, 시제

the past tense : 과거시제

run with sth : 생각이나 방법을 받아들이다


"Harry thought it would be funny if he had the whole band act like Niall was out of the band and started taking to him and treating him like he was in the past tense,

they ran with it all day," an insider revealed to Hollywood Life.





frustrate : 좌절감을 주다, 불만스럽게 만들다


"It can be quite frustrating being stuck in a hotel. I remember in Peru - I got up, went into Louis [Tomlinson's] room and said: 'Right, what we doing today?' and he goes: 'We should go shopping!' Then we looked out the window. There were 10,000 people on the street outside our hotel,'" he was quoted by the site as saying.





a slew of : 많은


What about Zayn? His noticeable absence in some 1D appearances has sparked concern and a slew of new rumors. Is he leaving One Direction?





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